Small Kitchen Storage and Organization Ideas


Having a small kitchen doesn’t mean that you can’t optimize your storage and organization to the best of its potential! Oftentimes, it’s much easier than you might think and a lot of usable space is easily wasted. In our latest blog, we discuss all of our favorite tips and tricks to keeping your kitchen organized and put together for a long time!

Have A Dedicated Space for Each Item: 

Make sure each item has a dedicated home in your kitchen. This will ensure that not only you know where everything is at all times, but you will also be able to more easily manage your space. If items are disorganized and thrown into cabinets, this can cause unnecessary space to be taken up. Additionally, items that you use more often can be stored in more accessible locations, while seasonal items can be stored higher up or farther away. 

Make A Plan and Stick to it:

When organizing your kitchen, placing utensils in easy reach of their respective appliance is something important to keep in mind. For example, keeping the pots and pans close to your range is not only convenient but smart. In addition, putting utensils near the prep area is advantageous when you are cooking quickly or need lots of space. 

Manage The Size of Your Appliances:

For a smaller-sized kitchen, having a 36” range may not be the best idea. We recommend ZLINE’s 24” dual fuel range. This range has the full functionality and power of a bigger range, just made for smaller spaces. It features hand-crafted Italian burners with cooking power of up to 18,000 BTUs and you’ll save 50-60% compared to competitors. Be sure to check out this range at Rustic Kitchen and Bath here.


Store Things in The Open:

Showing off your ingredients and food is not something to be ashamed of! Oftentimes, they can be used as decor and visitors won’t think twice. Our favorite trick is to put fruits and vegetables such as lemons, limes, apples, peaches, or oranges out in a bowl. Then you have quick access to these delicious treats, which is always a bonus!

Get Creative:

In many instances when storage seems limited, there are many ways you can get creative. Our number one tip is to think vertical and DIY your whole kitchen. For example, knives can be hung magnetically on the wall, as seen here. Additionally, heavy-duty hooks could be used to hang pots in a cupboard to more utilize your space. 

Utilize Corners and Window Sills:

These are both great places for storage. If you have a favorite cookbook or plant, these two locations make for wonderful storage, and those items are things that can easily be displayed. 

Ask Yourself: Does This Work for My Kitchen?

Once everything is to your liking, try it out for a week or so and see if it works! Since you put so much work into it, it is important for it to feel natural for you in regards to what you are reaching for. If you have noticed that it feels uncomfortable, take some time and rearrange! Your kitchen is one of the most important places in your house, so it is important that you can enjoy the time that you spend there. 

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