Must Have Apartment Style Dishwashers

Whether you’re working with a condo, apartment, or smaller kitchen area, it’s important to choose the right dishwasher that performs well and doesn’t take up too much space. For this type of design, we recommend looking into 18” dishwashers. In our latest blog, we discuss some of our favorite petite dishwashers, so that you can decide which is best for you.

ZLINE 18” 3rd Rack Dishwasher

ZLINE is known for having some of the best dishwashers in the industry. When they launched the ZLINE 3rd rack and tall tub series dishwashers, they were a huge hit across the market. These dishwashers not only have plenty of space for your regular dishes, but have an additional 3rd rack for utensils which provides more convenience. You will always find a wash cycle perfect for your dishes with 8 different options. These dishwashers are also eco-friendly and energy efficient, with an ENERGY STAR certification and CEE Tier 1 rating. Noisy dishwashers can always be such a nuisance, but with the ZLINE 3rd rack dishwasher, the loudest noise level is 51 dBA, which compares to the sound of moderate rainfall. The last thing we want to mention is their price which is so much lower than its competitors at just around $1,000. Explore these dishwashers at The Range Hood Store here

Bosch 300 Series Dishwasher

Bosch is an appliance brand that has been around for a long time, and many people lean towards choosing their dishwashers. This dishwasher is no exception. Provide peace of mind with quiet operation, outstanding performance, and a leak protection system designed to avoid floods. Our favorite features are that it is ADA compliant, and you can control it with an app or your voice. Explore this dishwasher here.

GE Profile™ 18" ADA Compliant Stainless Steel Interior Dishwasher

GE’s dishwashers are among the top ranked and most widely known. Oftentimes, homeowners believe that cleaning off most of your plate prior to putting it in the dishwasher is necessary. With GE, you no longer need to worry about pre-rinsing your dishes. A hard food dispenser is provided with this dishwasher, to make washing your dishes that much easier. Sanitize and autosense cycles are also provided, so that you can have spotless and germ-free dishes after every cycle. Shop here.

Miele Fully Integrated Dishwasher:

Environmentally friendly features are high on people’s checklist when shopping for dishwashers. While most dishwashers on this list are ENERGYSTAR certified, Miele’s dishwasher won most efficient by ENERGYSTAR in 2021. Top performing cleaning results can be done in less than an hour, and you can set a delay start up to 24 hours in advance to best suit your schedule. Learn more about this dishwasher here.

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