How To Prepare For A Home Renovation

When first dipping your toes into fixing up a property, there are plenty of things you may not have considered. The following tips can help you recognize the common challenges of renovations, as well as how to overcome them.

Common Renovations

Fixer-upper houses are usually much cheaper than ready-to-move properties. Buying houses "as is" gives you the power to negotiate the price down by calling attention to what aspects of the property are in disrepair. Your savings in the buying process can be repurposed for your renovation projects. Finding what parts of the home need the most immediate care can also serve as inspiration for where to begin your projects.

There are plenty of additions and upgrades that homeowners tend to prioritize. Whether you're adding a room or remodeling your kitchen, make sure you're researching the safest and most cost-effective methods of getting the job done. Projects like swapping out your flooring and improving your lighting system will present themselves to you as you look around the property, but don't disregard routine maintenance that could have health and safety implications, such as your HVAC and electrical systems.

 Office Overhauls

A spare bedroom can be converted easily into a clean, focused, personal workspace. Look into what color paint or wallpaper looks best with your current decor. There may even be some pallets or patterns that boost concentration and productivity. If the room was a bedroom or utility space before, consider deep cleaning before moving in your office furniture to make the room both more professional and sanitary.

Setting up your office isn't just about gadgets and furniture; you should also consider your comfort and ability to actually work in the space. Try to set up the office in a room with natural light coming through the windows during your usual working hours. Sunlight helps you focus and improves your mood. If your workspace doesn't have windows or good exposure, look into overhead lighting systems that will provide you with a balance of comfort and productivity. Preventing eye strain is just one of the benefits good lighting can provide your office.

 Considering a Home Warranty

With all these expensive improvements, upgrades, and additions, looking into a home warranty is practically essential. While homeowner's insurance can help pay for damaged or missing home features and appliances, a warranty can help you repair or replace appliances that have failed due to regular wear and tear. To decide whether a home warranty will pencil out, have your home inspected and check the report, looking specifically for any appliances that are still covered under their manufacturer's warranty. This will help you decide whether a home warranty is worth the additional cost.

 Upgrading Home Security

While you're improving the efficiency and comfort of your living space, you can take this opportunity to upgrade your security as well. Smart home systems and improved locks are cost-effective ways to make your home more secure. Monitored security services can provide hi-tech devices such as motion sensors, sound alerts, security cameras, and infrared grids, letting you convert your house into the closest thing to a real-life science fiction fortress.

 If you can keep your budget under control, home renovation can be a rewarding and worthwhile series of projects. Balancing the expense of your home office improvements and the monthly fees associated with a potential home warranty will pay for itself with the added comfort, utility, and protection of your newly improved house.

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